Call for papers

FOSS4G Europe 2015

The FOSS4G Europe 2015 Call for Papers is archived in this section. Thank you for the numerous and valuable submissions sent to the committees.


4 hours practical courses with FOSS4G developers.

Call for workshops

General track

General Track is the main event line with presentations on FOSS4G technologies and communities.

Call for abstracts

Academic track

Academic Track relates progress of scientific research and experiences on using and teaching FOSS4G.

Call for papers

Open Data track

Open Data Track welcomes projects and case studies about geospatial open data and FOSS4G tools.

Call for papers

Water track

Water Track welcomes case studies related to water managment and related environmental modeling with FOSS4G.

Call for papers

Positioning track

Positioning Track welcomes projects and case studies on indoor/outdoor positioning with FOSS4G.

Call for papers

Library track

Library Track welcomes case studies related to Library and archives managment with FOSS4G tools.

Call for papers